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A majority of cynologists believe the Poodle originated in Germany, and the dog they refer to is roughly equivalent to the modern Standard Poodle variety. It is claimed it was known in Germany from the Middle Ages, and it was Germany’s water dog, just as England had the English Water Spaniel, France the Barbet, Ireland the Irish Water Spaniel and the Netherlands the Wetterhoun.[1][2][3][4][5] Among the evidence used to support this theory is the indisputably Germanic name for the breed, Poodle or “Pudel” in German, which is derived from the Low German word “puddeln”, which means “to splash”. Additionally, there exists a number of artistic works, by various German artists, and from as early as the 17th century, that depict dogs of recognisably Poodle type.[1][2][3][5] Some cynologists believe the Poodle originated in France, where it is known as the “Caniche” (French for “duck dog”), and that the breed descends from the Barbet. This view is shared by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI).[6][7] Others argue that the breed originated in Russia, Piedmont or Northwest Africa.[4][7]

Whatever the Poodle’s country of origin, both their German and French breed names indicate the modern Poodle’s ancestors were widely used by waterfowlers both to retrieve shot game and to recover lost arrows and bolts that had missed their mark.[3][4] The breed’s distinctive lion coat clip developed as a practicality when they were used as waterfowler’s dogs, with the long hair around the chest providing insulation for the dog’s vitals in freezing water, while the shorn hindquarters reduced drag whilst swimming and the tufts of hair on the legs provided purchase in the water.[3][5]